

  1. 1  - 
    War With No Mercy - 3.26
  2. 2  - 
    Scariest Motherfucker Gonna Shoot - 3.17
  3. 3  - 
    King Daddy - 0.19
  4. 4  - 
    Fallin' Off Da Deep End - 3.26
  5. 5  - 
    That Time Of The Month - 0.49
  6. 6  - 
    Goosebumps - 3.48
  7. 7  - 
    Goin' In Circles - 3.48
    • Vocals  - Bobby Womack
  1. 8  - 
    22 Ag - 3.40
  2. 9  - 
    Life Out Da Matchbox - 3.34
  3. 10  - 
    Minister Robert - 0.58
    • Voice  - Minister Robert Muhammad
  4. 11  - 
    Blind, Cripple, & Crazy - 4.00
    • Drums  - Joey Riggins
  5. 12  - 
    Ya Don't Stop - 3.30
  6. 13  - 
    Uncut Funk - 3.36
    • Guitar  - Brother Warren X
    • Bass  - Ron Chandler
  7. 14  - 
    Think About It - 0.38