1 -The Tonite Show With Messy Marv - 0.49
2 -Stay Fresh Dirty Mess - 3.29
- Featuring - Beeda Weeda
- Featuring - G-Wet
3 -7 Seconds Flat - 3.20
- Featuring - Sleepy D
4 -Lions & Chickens (Skit) - 0.52
5 -In My Bloodline - 4.01
- Featuring - J Stalin
- Featuring - D-Lo
- Featuring - J-Mo
6 -Pride - 2.30
7 -Just To Get High - 3.55
- Featuring - Shady Nate
- Featuring - J Stalin
8 -Broke Nigga - 4.13
- Featuring - Eddie Projex
- Featuring - Mr. Tower
9 -Refused - 3.02
- Featuring - Gully
10 -Outro - 0.20