1 -
2 -
Perfect Love
3 -
Star Screen
- Featuring - Persistent Outlaw Until Natural Death
4 -
Alameda County
- Featuring - Lil' Frank
- Featuring - Sgt. Slaughter
- Featuring - Nutt-So
5 -
Baby Mama Drama
6 -
Painted Picture
7 -
Knockem Down
8 -
9 -
Bachelors Pad
- Featuring - Sgt. Slaughter
10 -
King Kong
- Featuring - Nutt-So
- Featuring - E.B.P.
11 -
Gotta Eat
- Featuring - Whyte Head
- Featuring - Sgt. Slaughter
12 -
Get Wit Me
- Featuring - Dyson
- Featuring - Nutt-So
13 -
Water Outta Rock
- Featuring - Slowe Burna
- Featuring - Sgt. Slaughter
14 -
Clothes On
15 -
The League
16 -
The O
17 -
The Way She Walk
- Featuring - Sgt. Slaughter
18 -
May Day
- Featuring - Nutt-So
- Featuring - Hoggorilla
19 -
20 -
Young Nigga